15 Recipes for Summer’s Tomatoes
From the teensiest of cherry tomatoes to giant beefsteaks and gorgeous heirloom varietals, now is the time to fill up on real tomatoes—you know, the ones with actual flavor, from your garden or the farmers market, the kind that’ve never been refrigerated.
When tomatoes are at their peak, my favorite way to eat them is sliced paper thin on warm toast with homemade mayonnaise, or simply topped with a sprinkle of sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil. But, there are endless ways to dress up and cook with tomatoes. I buy buckets of them at the farmers market to supplement my harvest and turn half into sauce, the other half I halve, toss with olive oil and roast in a 225-degree oven for 6 or 7 hours.
If you have tomatoes on the counter going bad, you can simply puree and freeze them, or freeze whole tomatoes and you can puree/strain later! They peel even easier when defrosted. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are 15 foolproof ways to enjoy the harvest.