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Searched for: Poulet a la cre me
Andrew Zimmern Recipe Louis Diat Mussels

Louis Diat’s Moules Poulette

This dish was served at the original Ritz Carlton NYC and Maxwell’s Plum, a recipe adapted from Louis Diat’s original notes.  This recipe is from my demo at the Aspen Food & Wine Festival, Classic Lost NYC: A tribute to restaurants we’ve loved and lost.

Georges Blanc in Vonnas, France

Delicious French Comfort Food By Bob & Sue Picking the one greatest comfort food restaurant in the world would be challenging. But in France, naming the best Michelin 3 star comfort food restaurant might quickly focus on George Blanc, east of Macon. This is because of its two great signature dishes known for the simplicity…  Read More

Jacques Pepin Roasted Chicken

How to Roast a Chicken Like Jacques Pepin

Classic Roast Chicken By Jacques Pepin The classic way to cook chicken is still the simplest and best. Roasting the bird at high temperature crisps the skin as it protects the flesh, keeping it moist. And roasting the chicken on its side helps the legs, which usually take longer than the breast, cook faster, and…  Read More

Andrew Zimmern's Matzoh Ball Soup

Passover Matzoh Ball Soup

A Passover Staple This is the only recipe I’ve come across that measures up to my grandmother’s. The matzoh ball has the perfect balance: light enough to float, dense enough to be a good “sinker.” When I make it as a main course, I serve the chicken in sixths with the skin and bone, adding…  Read More