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|Vietnamese Pork Burger|Vietnamese burger|Vietnamese pork burger

Vietnamese Pork Burger

Bold, Juicy Vietnamese-Flavored Pork Burger By Andrew Zimmern While I love a good ol’ traditional beef burger, this pork burger packed with Vietnamese flavors is a worthy alternative. The fragrant herbs, sweet-and-spicy dipping sauce, and pickled carrots and daikon radish adds a fresh, tangy component that’s perfect on a hot day.

Fourth of July Recipes

Summertime Recipe Round-up The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. There’s no better way to celebrate America’s independence (and my birthday) than sitting around with the family, swimming, grilling up my favorite meat, noshing on fresh summer eats and indulging my inner pyro. Here are a few of my top picks, from…  Read More

Andrew Zimmern's Bangkok Style Chicken Recipe

Sweet & Sour Bangkok-Style Chicken with Chiles

Iconic Thai Flavors On my first visit to Malaysia, I found myself in Penang sitting in a small Thai café near New Lane, and I ordered something called Bangkok Chicken. I almost ate the plate, it was that good. I returned the next day with my crew, ordered the dish again, and this time positioned myself…  Read More

Bizarre Foods in the Kitchen: Beef & Lemongrass Skewers

A Cambodian-Style Snack Shack Favorite Roadside eateries in Cambodia serve little skewered dishes from morning to closing time, and this simple beef and lemongrass version of mine is the type of recipe that grill freaks will turn to all year long. I also use the same recipe for chicken parts, pork, etc., with equal success.