Cabrito, Cabrito, Cabrito
Friday Night Lights
At Friday’s New Taste of Texas event. House Marinated Sardines with Burrata, Olives, Orange & Almonds on a Crostino from Spiaggia.
A refreshing desesrt course form Uchiko. Lemon Ash Ice – Green Strawberry Consommé, Black Pepper & Arugula Blossom.
From L to R: Me, Jonathan Waxman, Tim Love, Garrett Weber Gale, Marcus Samuelsson & Nathan Followill
A little after-hours dessert party at the gorgeous Hotel St. Cecilia. One of the only times “boutique hotel” isn’t synonymous with “cramped room.”
Saturday in the Sun (& Dust)
A pre-demo interview with Josh Ozersy from Time Magazine & Matt Rodbard from Food Republic.
Dude, who doesn’t love a pre-demo Slurpee?
Beef heart, courtesy of my friends at Whole Foods. Beautiful, no?
Grilled Bolivian Ox Heart. Best cut of meat on the animal, no joke.
Passing around my One-Pot Sticky Chicken Wings.
Tim Love’s cabrito & chili taco at Saturday night’s Rock Your Taco party.
Christine Grdovic, Gail Simmons & I ‘splain our judging process.
Winner Tyson Cole claims his five-stringed prize.
Tim Love, Gail Simmons, Me & Christina Grdovic
Sunday Funday

Cabrito anyone?
Moroccan Goat Liver & Kidney Kebabs with Lemon and Herb Oil
Marcus Samuelsson & I crash Tim’s grilling demo.
How much do you love this interactive demo? I’m stealing this idea for next year.