• Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Reverse Seared Tomahawk Steaks


Reverse-Seared Tomahawk Steaks

By Andrew Zimmern

Reverse searing means to cook a piece of meat over indirect heat on the cool side of the grill first (or in a low oven), before finishing it over very high heat to get a nice crust. This method of cooking steak has become very popular in recent years, and it’s my favorite way to cook thick cuts of beef because it’s more forgiving, it promotes even cooking and doesn’t dry out the meat. It works well with these beautiful dry-aged tomahawks—and if you’re trying to impress, there’s nothing better than the dramatic presentation of a tomahawk steak.

Watch Andrew make this recipe:

Reverse Sear Tomahawk Steaks

Servings: 3 to 4


  • 2  24-ounce dry-aged tomahawk steaks
  • Salt
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • Pepper


Generously season the tomahawk steaks with salt and allow to sit out at room temperature while you light the grill.

Prepare a charcoal grill for indirect cooking. Light a chimney full of charcoal, and let burn until the top of the charcoal turns white. Dump the coals into one side of a kettle grill. Clean the grate with a grill brush.

Tomahawk steak

Place the tomahawk steaks on the cool side of the grill, and cook over indirect heat for about 10 minutes per side. You essentially want to bring the tomahawks to medium rare, or about 130 degrees F, without putting any char on the meat.

Tomahawk steaks

Finish cooking the steaks with high heat, directly over the hot coals for just a minute to get a nice crust. Remove from the grill and let the steaks rest for at least 10 minutes.

Tie the herbs into a bundle with butcher’s twine. Place the bundle on the grill over medium-low direct heat, and cook until blackened.

Season the tomahawks with salt, pepper and a dusting of the charred herbs. Slice and serve!

Andrew Cutting Tomahawk Steaks

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