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Searched for: go fork road

Wellness in America

Bourdain, Deen, Bruni, Redzepi & Why it Matters Paula Deen and those that cook with commoditized unhealthy ingredients are to be faulted most not for telling us to eat canned, processed and commoditized ingredients– but because they never tell you not to! The food-health-wellness issue in America is indeed a class issue. It costs money…  Read More

Wellness in America

Bourdain, Deen, Bruni, Redzepi & Why it Matters Paula Deen and those that cook with commoditized unhealthy ingredients are to be faulted most not for telling us to eat canned, processed and commoditized ingredients– but because they never tell you not to! The food-health-wellness issue in America is indeed a class issue. It costs money…  Read More