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Searched for: Khao Niaw Sankhaya Turian sticky rice with durian custard
Thai Shrimp Salad

7 Easy Thai Recipes to Make at Home

Forget Takeout, Make Thai Food at Home The stunning complexity of Thai cuisine, studded at brief intervals with simple, elegant dishes, makes it one of the world’s most popular cuisines. Hot, sour, salty and sweet, the flavors of Thailand are truly addictive. Most of these recipes are easier than you’d think, but if you’re looking…  Read More

Khao Niaw Sankhaya Turian (sticky rice with durian custard)|Pok Pok

Sticky Rice with Durian Custard

Khao Niaw Sankhaya Turian By Andy Ricker Durian has a powerful aroma. Westerners, who tend to shun the fruit, would probably choose a stronger term. In Southeast Asia, however, durian is considered the queen of fruit and it fetches a high price. Yet even where durian has fans, it’s not always welcome. Cabs, trains, and…  Read More